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This common procedure can reduce the size of a protruding belly by removing excess skin and tightening the muscles of the mid-body region. If you are considering this option, we recommend that you take your time, analyze it thoroughly, and do not rush into a decision. An abdominoplasty should be the last resort for people who have exhausted all other options this procedure should not be used as an alternative to weight loss.

Who are the best candidates for abdominoplasty?

An abdominoplasty is suitable for both men and women who are generally in good general health. It should not be confused with liposuction, although your surgeon may also choose to perform liposuction as part of an abdominoplasty.

A tummy tuck is also an alternative for men or women who were obese at some point in their lives and still have that excess skin in the abdominal area.

How is an abdominoplasty performed?

Depending on the desired results, this surgery may take from one to five hours. Each patient's situation will determine whether the procedure is an outpatient or an inpatient procedure.

You will receive general anesthesia, the patient will be asleep during the operation. It is important to be accompanied so that after the operation I can help you and take you home. If you live alone, you will also need someone to stay with you at least the first night after surgery.

There are two options for abdominoplasty. You and your surgeon will discuss the desired results and determine the appropriate procedure during your consultation.

Complete Abdominoplasty

Your abdomen will be cut from hip to hip in this procedure, this option is for patients who require further correction. An incision is made in the lower abdomen from one hip to the other, and another incision is made to reposition the navel. The abdominal muscles are tightened and excess skin is removed. The rest of the skin is stretched for a firmer, smoother abdomen. Drainage tubes may be placed under the skin and will be removed in a few days as deemed appropriate by your surgeon.

Partial or mini abdominoplasty.

Mini-abdominoplasties are often performed on patients whose fat deposits are below the navel and require shorter incisions. During this procedure, it is likely that there will be no navel not touching. Your skin will be separated between the incision line and your navel. This type of surgery can also be done with an endoscope. This procedure may take up to two hours, depending on your individual client and their needs.

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