Ankle replacement is surgery to replace damaged bone and cartilage in the ankle joint. You may have bone fragments inside the ankle that can cause the ankle to lock, during which these fragments can be removed. This type of operation is usually done under general or regional anesthesia, so you will not feel any pain.
What is an ankle arthroscopy?
The surgeon will make a small incision in the front of the ankle, pushing the tendons nerves and blood vessels gently to the sides, once this movement is made will remove the bone and cartilage damaged. When the incision is sewn and an adhesive bandage is applied, as a general rule it should remain in place for about 14 days. It is important that wounds are kept clean and dry to avoid infection. You will have to return to the hospital so that the surgeon can evaluate the operation.
Operation risk
As with all procedures, this carries some risks and complications.
- Pain: The operation involves moving the tissues which leads to pain, to relieve these pains can talk to your surgeon for analgesics.
- Bleeding: There will inevitably be some bleeding.
- Scar: The operation will leave a small scar on the side of the ankle.
- Infection: There may be redness in the area where the operation was performed after the operation, or there may be an area with discharge. It may be necessary to take antibiotics to treat these infections.
- Hypertrophic Scar: These scars are exaggerated growths of the tissue where the scar has been made. They can be treated with steroid injection or surgically if necessary.Delayed wound healing: This can occur if the wound is under tension, infected, or has poor blood circulation.
Fat necrosis: This can also happen due to delayed wound healing.