Minimally invasive treatment of varicose veins and venous insufficiency using techniques such as radiofrequency, endolaser and foam sclerosis. We are the Andalusian private center with the highest volume, with nearly 1,000 interventions per year. It is an outpatient procedure, lasting about 30 minutes with immediate recovery, without hospital admission and with early return to the patient's normal life.
Endovascular treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms
This is an advanced therapy to treat a serious pathology, in which our center performs a large number of interventions per year, being one of the private centers in Spain that performs the most interventions of this type. It is performed under local or epidural anesthesia with an average intervention time of 60 to 90 minutes and a hospital stay of 48 hours, subsequently recovering your normal life without sequelae.
Endovascular treatment of carotid diseases and stroke prevention
Specialized in minimally invasive techniques to prevent strokes and cerebral infarctions through a non-invasive procedure (carotid stent with cerebral protection filter) with an average duration of 45 minutes 60 minutes and a stay of two days being one of the Spanish centers that performs the most interventions of this type and in which we train surgeons from other countries.
Advanced treatments to rescue critical limb ischemia and diabetic foot
Through advanced endovascular or surgical techniques. We perform procedures to restore circulation in the lower limbs, improving the quality of life of patients who can ambulate more and perform limb salvage in which other centers have offered major amputation as the only option. Our team performs more than 100 limb salvage interventions per year and we are one of the Spanish centers with the lowest major amputation rate. The average time of these interventions can vary between 45 and 180 minutes with an average postoperative operative stay of 24 hours and immediate recovery of the patient's previous life.
Creation and rescue of vascular access for hemodialysis
Our team is a reference center in the area for performing arteriovenous fistulas for dialysis, complex fistulas, implantation of catheters, tunneling and all types of devices to guarantee that patients can perform adequate hemodialysis sessions. We are also specialized in endovascular treatment through angioplasty of fistulas that present some problem in their functioning.
Treatment of complex venous pathology such as syndromes, post-thrombotic or compressive phenomena of the deep venous system
For years our center has offered therapies for complex venous recanalization, allowing venous circulation to be restored in patients with chronic thrombotic phenomena in which other centers only offers them therapy with anticoagulation and use of stockings. This allows us to treat and resolve complex and painful ulcers for patients.
Complex pathology of the thoracoabdominal aorta
Our team has specialized in collaborating with other national reference centers in the treatment of complex pathology of the thoracoabdominal aorta from aortic dissections, thoracoabdominal aneurysms or aortic ulcers. By implanting simple endoprostheses with fenestrated branches ourselves, we can exclude aneurysms, with the guarantee of having an anesthesia and intensive care service trained to manage these complex patients. These procedures have an average duration of 120, 240 minutes with a stay for additional surgery in the ICU of 24-48 hours and a stay on the ward of 24-48 hours. The surgeons on our team are part of the aorta group of the European Society for Vascular Surgery and ESVS provides training throughout European congresses.
Treatment of pelvic congestion syndrome
Pelvic congestion syndrome is very common in women between 35 and 50 years old. It consists of chronic pelvic pain, which for years did not have adequate techniques for its treatment. In our center, in close collaboration with gynecology teams, we are trained for the minimally invasive treatment of this painful pathology, in which by carrying out a geographical study through the arm we can perform the implantation of coils and foam to seal the annoying pelvic varicose veins. It is a simple outpatient procedure with an average duration of 45 to 60 minutes and patients are discharged within a few hours, returning to a normal life, our national reference center for this treatment performing more than 300 procedures in recent years.