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Dr. Fernando Gallardo Pedrajas


Head of Department Angiology and Vascular Surgery Hospital Quironsalud Marbella



  • MD Angiology and Vascular Surgery, University Hospital A Coruña. Spain National accreditation (2007-12)
  • Degree in Medicine and Surgery. University of Málaga (1999-2005). Erasmus Medical Student 2003 (Caen, France), 2004 (Beirut, The Lebanon)
  • Residence Fellowships (ST Mary´s Hospital, London, UK) (Hospital Arnault de Villaneuve, Montpellier, FR) (Kaiser Hospital HNL, Hawaii, USA)

Work Experience

  • Medical Interne Residence (MIR) Angiology and Vascular Surgery,University Hospital A Coruña.(2007-12)
  • Consultant MD, Angiology and Vascular Surgery University Hospital Santiago de Compostela and Hospital San Rafael A Coruña (2012-15) 
  • Consultant MD, Angiology and Vascular Surgery, Hospital Quironsalud Marbella-Málaga (2015-22) 
  • Head Of Department, Angiology and Vascular Surgery Department, Hospital Quironsalud Marbella (2022- ) 

Scientific Societies Memebership

Belongs to the Board of Directors of: 

  • SITE (Symposium Therapies Endovascular (2016- )
  • Journal American Cardiology. JACC- Case reports and JVET Editorial Board reviewer. (2019- )
  • Secretary of the Andalucian Vascular Society and member of the direction committee of the Spanish Vascular Surgery Society SEACV. (2022- )

Has Belonged to the Board of Directors of: 

  • European Society of Vascular Surgery. ESVS Academy Professor and Aortic Covenor. (2014- )

Main author of relevant publication

International Book chapters. International indexed and National publications. International and National prizes. 

Main Investigator of clinical research studies (SACVA EVAR), ROADSTER TRIAL. 

HIGH VOLUME CV SURGEON (>800 cases/year)

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