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Orthopedic Surgery

Orthopedic surgery is the branch of surgery related to conditions involving the skeletal muscle system. Orthopedic surgeons use surgical and non-surgical means to treat musculoskeletal trauma, sports injuries, degenerative diseases, infections, tumors, and congenital disorders.

The surgeries and operations available at GeneralSurgery are listed below.

Shoulder Surgery or Operation

Within the shoulder surgery we have:

Humerus Surgery

Within the Humerus Surgery we count with::

Elbow Surgery or Operation

In Elbow Surgery we have interventions in problems such as:

Forearm surgery

Wrist Surgery

Hand Surgery or Operation

Hip surgery

Femur Surgery or Operation

Knee Surgery

Ankle Surgery

Foot Surgery

Hospitals with Orthopedic Surgery

Hospital Quirón Marbella

Hospital Quirón Marbella has orthopaedic surgery. They specialise in children's orthopaedics.

Hospital Vithas Xanit International

In the Vithas Hospital Xanit International Benalmádena has orthopedic surgery, traumatology and sports medicine.

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